Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting It Done

Dear Friends and Praying Partners,

It has been a long time since I have placed anything on our Blog site, and for that I ask your forgiveness! I have purposed in my heart not to be too busy with life and the work here in Malawi to not place some information every few days on on Blog site. We do want people to pray for us, and how can they without good information?

At the end of February of this year, 2011, we depart from Good Samaritan and with the approval of our Pastor stated a new work in Malawi, BIBLE BAPTIST AFRICA MINSTRIES. Our goal is to start churches, do soul winning, discipleship, Bible studies and start a Bible Institute. We believe with all our heart that this is the direction God has given to us. We are working with 3 of the churches that our family has started, along with 5 other churches that have asked us to come and help them to become Independent Baptist Churches.

In the photo is some of the members of Ozamba Independent Baptist Church that we go to regularly for Bible Studes, and at least once a month for preaching. They originally were an Abraham Church which taught the doctines of men, but they knew they were not doing right, so they came to us and asked us to please come and help them.

On August 24, 2011, we traveled back to our home church in Fairbanks Alaska for the wedding of one of our daughters. Since we spent that much on airfare we made the determination to stay two months to visit churches, and to attend the Missions Conference at our home church, Bible Baptist Church of Fairbanks, Alaska. We are now at the end of our stay; two more days of Missions Conference, then we head back to Malawi this next Monday, October the 24th. We are looking forward to getting back home in Malawi and starting a new church, and a new work.

Please pray for us that this coming year would see more nationals being discipled, and thus going out with the Gospel of Christ.

By His Grace & Mercy,

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